
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Pyramid System in Money Game part 02

(Article Money Game Serial)

Pyramid System which is often used usually between 3 levels up to 5 levels. There is also using more than 5 levels very rare. Level meant here is the commission level got by up line from down line. With 3 level, an up line is entitled to of commission from down line recruited his own (take example A), commission from down line recruited by A (take example B) and commission from down line recruited by B. The commission got by an up line from down lines varies in this game. There is which progressively downwards will smaller, or is same at all of level or progressively ever greater downwards or is also using combination of it third ness.

The pyramid system in it growth renewed by retouching the mechanisms. But basically just remain to form as a pyramid system. All kinds of mention given as according to the existence of change added. Among it’s conceived of Matrix System (Matrix Schema/Elevator Schema) or combination from pyramid system with matrix system.

How much is get Profit? How much is Loss?

Money game program at developed State have been prohibited. Particularly is money game program conceiving of MLM Program or Charitable Program. The cause of it programs this make a lot of harmed members to be compared to the getting advantage. Have of course, differed once with MLM program or Charitable Program which be in fact. At the State be like English and America, legislation concerning program be like this.

From above the table, this used as by the illustration that is concluded the get profit a smaller from at of loss. More and more member which is needed to yield bep at first level in this program hence wills smaller also the amount get profit. The biggest profit have is of course got by organizer this program. Isn't it true to merge into this program every member is always imposed by the administration expense (for don't have the product) or always is got money of organizer party instead of given product. Usually given product is the product of no use or is product you be able to look in internet free of charge, is then modified impressing is their own product. The product is used merely as mere mask.

Pyramid System will desist to be to be caused:

  • Nothing is new members or enthusiast which got.
  • The member residing in at under levels is not continuing again this game.
  • In a moment will be collided at the human population's amount of it boundary, that even also if only that any the human populations follow it.
  • The member residing in at level to the have of course will not will participate again become the member at under level.
  • Discontinuous or stopped by government. Be like at United States, over there are a governance department observes the online business. If a business is forming money game or which instructing at money game, the department is entitled to discontinue the program. Don't only is. Party organizer of the program is also brought to trial with accusation have done the deception or cause many losses for its member (harm many consumers). Thus don't surprise the information given by organizer (name, address, etc) is spurious information. Sometime is also giving the correct information to the condition of early the program. After walking rather old, they are (organizer) soon leave the place.
The illustration depict the pyramid diagram as in to is not is forming absolute from a program money game. Yielded loss can bigger again as according to modification, to the number of level used and level of percentage of commission of each level which is passed to the system.

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